My Goal
A simple and straightforward goal, yet not an easy one; to change the entire world, to halt this tolerance of wickedness, to guide where I can, and to learn where I'm able.
To preserve what is good, true, beautiful, and useful, and eliminate negativity, sin, evil, and wickedness.
I'm doing what I'm doing because I have been called to do so. We were all created to do the one thing that only we can do. I wake up each morning to perform a virtuous duty to the best of my ability.
My Story?
Let's Save That For Another Day...
Why Listen To Me?
A few of my capacities to show you why I believe I'm qualified to create this path:
Certified Fitness Coach
15 Years as a Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Life Coach
Yin Yoga Teacher
Certified Spirituality Coach
Certified Health & Wellness Coach
Years of tactical, self-defense, firearms, and martial arts training
Formal education in psychology, social science, philosophy, and religion
Most importantly, a life lived, countless first-hand experiences that have shown me GOD is with us and expects us to find a balance between righteous resistance to evil & peace.