Intuition, Spirituality, Philosophy, & Religion

Our intuition and spiritual practices are not merely about understanding the world but about participating in the divine order that underlies it.

- Jonathan Pageau

Sacrifice All & Carry Your Cross

Key Ideas












Zen Buddhism



Amor Fati: Love your fate, embrace destiny.

Memento Mori: Remember death always.

Apatheia: Master emotions; let reason guide.

Virtue: True happiness lies in moral excellence.

Control: Focus only on what you can control.

Acceptance: Accept what you cannot change.

Sympathy: Practice kindness to all living things.


Wu Wei: Act naturally, without force, in harmony.

Simplicity: Embrace simplicity; avoid complexity.

Te: Align with the Tao, embody virtue.

Paradox: Accept life's contradictions.

Naturalness: Be true to your nature.

Spontaneity: Act effortlessly; be like water.

Balance: Seek harmony in all aspects of life.

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Zazen: Meditate to discover inner understanding.

Beginner's Mind: Approach life with openness.

Impermanence: Embrace inevitable change.

Compassion: Be loving & kindness to all beings.

Mindfulness: Engage with the present moment.

Non-Attachment: Release all attachments.

Awareness: There's always something happening

Tenets of Stoizen

  1. Embrace Simplicity: Find peace in the uncomplicated; seek beauty in the mundane and let go of needless desires. Align with the Taoist principle of simplicity by avoiding unnecessary complexities. Embrace the Zen approach of seeing beauty in everyday moments and the Stoic practice of focusing on what truly matters.

  2. Be Present: Anchor your mind in the now; every moment is a gift, unwrapped by awareness. Practice mindfulness as taught in Zen Buddhism, engaging fully with the present. Recognize each moment's value, a concept cherished in both Taoism and Stoicism.

  3. Cultivate Inner Strength: True power lies within; fortify your spirit to weather life’s tempests with unwavering resilience. Reflect on the Stoic idea of apatheia, mastering emotions through reason. Embrace the Zen notion of finding strength in meditation and the Taoist belief in inner harmony.

  4. Accept Impermanence: Flow like water, embracing change as the eternal dance of existence, neither clinging nor resisting. Acknowledge the Zen understanding of impermanence and the Taoist concept of flowing like water. Accept life's constant change, a perspective that fosters resilience and adaptability.

  5. Live Virtuously: Align actions with wisdom, justice, courage, and temperance; let your character be your guiding star. Embody Stoic virtues to live a morally excellent life. Integrate the Taoist practice of te, cultivating integrity, humility, and compassion, and the Zen emphasis on compassion and non-attachment.

  6. Practice Detachment: Hold possessions and outcomes lightly; freedom is found in the space where attachment loosens its grip. Embrace Zen non-attachment to thoughts, feelings, and material possessions. Reflect on the Stoic dichotomy of control, focusing on what you can influence and accepting the rest.

  7. Seek Harmony: Balance the forces within; attune to the natural rhythms of life, finding tranquility in equilibrium. Follow the Taoist principle of seeking harmony in all aspects of life. Balance the Stoic pursuit of inner peace and the Zen practice of mindfulness to find tranquility.

  8. Embrace the Journey: Life’s path is the destination; relish each step, for the journey is the reward. Understand the Zen teaching of living fully in the moment. Accept the Stoic idea of loving your fate (amor fati) and the Taoist belief in spontaneous, effortless action (wu wei).

  9. Find Joy in Stillness: In quiet reflection, discover the profound; let silence speak the truths words often obscure. Practice Zazen meditation to cultivate inner stillness and clarity. Reflect on the Stoic practice of self-examination and the Taoist embrace of natural, unforced quietude.